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Climate Change


Do you think Climate Change is Real?

Thy don't want to Assume anymore that Chaos won't Arise in my Lifetime

Thy Looks around the World & See's Mass Flooding / Fire / Draught Globally

& Even Tornado’s of Fire - "Bloody Hell"

For Forget the Rich Hiding in Space & Hiding in Private Bunkers before the Global Economic Collapse nor Nuclear War & worrying about how they will control their Armies when Money becomes Meaningless.

They played GOD & Failed, as the Universal GOD has turned their Nuclear Bunkers into Watery Tombs.

Talk about The Flood (Climate Change)

The more thy Learns, The more thy Realizes

Climate Change is not a New Problem

The Oracles (Scientists) have spoken for Decades & have been Ignored


New Generations will Pay the Price for the Choices of those who came before.

(The Irony of a Greek Myth of Prophecy - Carl Sagan)

Think About It

Will Childhood Homes / Cities / Towns be Gone is some Form or Other

Telling Stories to Grandchildren of what was Once More, As if it was the Mythical City of Atlantis

IF thee is Luck to Live through the Change.

If that is the Case, Does Status & Money mean anything?

Then Family & Community is the only thing that Matters but we are sacrificing that for Status & Money for a World that won't Exist

Thus Wasting our Lives for What?

Do you see the Paradox ?

Why are people playing Game Of Thrones, when there will be no Throne to Fight for?

It's like Playing a Board Game without the Board

The Signs just don't look good & thy don't want to Assume it's not Real.

As this is a Gamble that will END everything & it's a Game that thy don't want to Play


Yet their are those who are Willing to Play the Gamble for Profit, which Disturbs thy Deeply

The Four Horsemen Are Coming

A Global Crisis Needs A Unified Organized Global Movement.

A Conscience Movement

A Consistent Revolution

Interest Free Money / Interest Free Circulation

( The Achilles Heel of the Death Star [The Banking System])

Beware of any Crypto-Currency

Why you ask?

A Single Global Currency can be the Greatest Trap of All

For what does Decentralized Mean?

Does it refer to a Mathematical Protocol Only?

For if the Infrastructure & Coins are not Decentralized & managed only by a few.

Is it truly Decentralized?

Beware the Greatest Illusions & Traps Feed on Hope.

Free Software (not to be confused with Open-Source)

What's the difference you ask?

The GNU License

What Start's as Free may not Stay Free

The Evolving License Sustains that Freedom

Why need a License you ask?

The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil

Break the Chains that BIND Humanity

Renegade Minds / Fellow Guardians

The End Is Nigh

The Flower Of Light & Of Life - Is Born Again

End of Transmission

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