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The Four Elements +

If you die before you die, You won’t die when you die

I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone. - Robin Williams

If he controls your ideas he will soon control your actions, because every action is preceded by an idea – Silvano Arieti

Ideology – that is what gives evil doing it’s long – sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary stead fastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honours – Aleksander Soizhenitsyn

NETER (The Principle) :

Metaphysics : Spirit – Body

Theology : Word – Flesh

Biology : Life – Death

Physics : Above – Below / Fluid – Dense

Chemistry : Volatile – Fixed

Ethics : Good – Evil

Aesthetics : Beauty - Ugliness

a. The One and Only Number, cause of All

b. The ternary, creative foundation

c. Duality, opposition of the One and Only

a. Division, which manifests life

b. Addition, which joins what had separated with Original Cause

c. Multiplication, which procreates

The Mystical Tetractys


I = Fire

I I = Air

I I I = Water

I I I I = Earth

Thus Fire is called hot and dry, for it either absorbs (fixes) the humid or drives it away.

Water, cold and humid, is the opposite of Fire.

Air is called hot and humid, for it is a Fire whose dryness has been vanquished, it is also Water whose coldness has been vanquished by heat. Air is called “nourisher” or nourishment.

Earth is cold and dry, it is Water in which the dryness of Fire has vanquished humidity

Manifested Tetractys or Pentactys






Man, Know thyself and thou shalt Know the Universe”



a b

a I b

a I I b

c c c c c

Principals : Sulphur (Orange) / Mercury (Green) / Salt (Violet)

Elements : Fire (Red) / Air (Yellow) / Water (Blue) / Earth (Indigo)

Fire, the radiant state, participates in the dry and the hot.

Red ....... participates in Violet and Orange

The Hot is Orange

Air, the volatile state, participates in the hot and the moist.

Yellow ....... participates in Orange and Green

The Moist is Green

Water, the liquid state, participate in the moist and the cold.

Blue ....... participates in Green and Indigo

The Cold is Indigo

Earth, the solid state, participates in the cold and the dry

Indigo ....... participates in Blue and Indigo

The Dry is Violet

Red = Fire = Mars, is complemented by

Green = Mercury = Mercury

Orange = Sulphur = Sun, is complemented by

Blue = Water = Venus

Yellow = Air = Moon, is complemented by

Violet = Salt = Saturn

The Ancients did not believe that the Jupiter [=Zeus] we adore on the Capitol and in the other temples sent bolts of lightning with his own hand. On the contrary : by “Jupiter,” they meant the soul and mind of the world.

All names are appropriate to him

Do you want to call him Destiny?

You won’t be wrong, for it is from him that all things are suspended; he is the cause of cause.

Do you want to call him Providence?

You will speak rightly, for it is by his counsel that the needs of the world are provided for, in order that it may reach it’s appointed term without impediment and that it may unfold all it’s movements Nature?

You will not be in error, for it is from him that all things are born and thanks to whose breath we live.

The World? You will not be wrong, for he is all that you see; he is present in all of his parts and he conserves both himself and his parts.

The rest of this passage applies the theory of the unique initial impulse to Zeus – Jupiter

Lightning – bolts are not hurled by Jupiter, but all things have been so disposed that even those things himself, yet he has caused these things to happen.

.... show, not how men think in myths, but how myths operate in men’s minds without their being aware of the fact.” - Claude Levi-Strass

This is what people will say about a good man. In my case, however, how many more reasons there are for there to be many people to want to get rid of me. You’ll have to think of that when you die. You will leave life more easily, If you think: the life that I am leaving is one in which my associates, for whom I have had so much concern, want me to go away. Perhaps they hope for some relief from my disappearance

All this teaching given in fragments must be pieced together and observation and actions must be connected to it. If there is no paste, nothing will stick

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” - Goeth

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