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Global Corporate Colonization


What do you see, when you look at the World / Vibration?

Humanity or Corporate Profit at the Life Blood of the Collective Humanity?

The Wretched Of The Earth?

Human Souls or the balance of your bank account?

For if we could prove scientifically the existence of the Soul, would you Accept it or Deny it?

For one thing I do know is if Souls exist, our World as we know it will Collapse because you wouldn’t be able to treat people/humans the way you do.

For what does this simple TRUTH reveal about our Religions / Systems / Spirituality / Minds/ Culture?

The Masquerade of Denial

People call themselves consumers in this Masquerade / System.

What is a consumer?

How do you make one?

Follow me down this Rabbit Hole, if you Seek the Collective Humanity’s Soul

A consumer is an Addict (The Wendigo)

What creates Addiction?


A System / Masquerade that creates Traumatized humans to sell temporary fixes to address the Void within, created by the System / Masquerade to make a Profit. Over & Over.

It’s a powerful System / Masquerade,

The System knows what it’s doing.

Case & Point

South Africa, the Rainbow Nation.

The Dream / Hope of Unity by Diversity.

Is being undone.

An act of Treason of the Highest Order to Humanity.

To KILL an Infant of HOPES & DREAMS for a new path of Unity by Diversity.

Fellow Souls & Guardians, the Age of Corporate Colonization is upon us ALL.

It’s Tools of Illusion are vast & many fall prey to the Masquerade.

South Africa, they talk of State Capture.

What is State Capture?

Corruption or Coup?

NO!, my Fellow Humanity.

It’s the Re-Colonization of the African Continent by Corporations

Why is this important?

Automation / Mechanization

Do entertain my thought till it Fruits.

For we have spoken of the Masquerade & it’s Addiction for Profit even at the Cost of ALL Humanity & Life itself

The Global Corporate Parasite has no loyalty to Race / Class / Religion / State / Culture or Universal Law

For we have Lost the Way & Are met with a fork in the Road

One Road of HOPE by Unity by Diversity

Another Road of Destruction by Greed

Why worry about Automation you ask?

The Weapons of War can be re-shaped / re-engineered for the purpose of Nurturing Life

A Hammer can be used to build a Shelter or Smash Skulls

A barrel can be used to collect water for the renewal of Life or dissolve a body

The Internet can be used to Connect people & Share knowledge across the Globe or Mass Surveillance, Mass Manipulation, Cyber Warfare (World War 3 – The Silent War / Revolution)

Climate Change will Cause Resource Scarcity (World War 4 – Water etc..)

Colonisation of the past was a Power Game, Survival will be the New Game

There is no Historical Reference for a Global War of Resource Scarcity

Yes, thing can get much much worse for ALL HUMANITY & LIFE

Automation / Mechanization can be used to Liberate humans from Dangerous or Labour Intense work or used to Enslave Humanity through Economic & Production means

Why worry about Africa, you ask?

This Attack on Humanity is Global & thus we must THINK & ACT Global – Unity by Diversity

There are many tasks to be done & there are many Fellow Souls & Guardians

Do not fall for the Illusion of Divide & Conquer

North Korea & South Korea – once One

Pakistan & India – once One

China & Taiwan – once One

North America, now multiple states – once One

Africa, now multiple countries – once One

Now South Africa, divided by province & some are trying to become countries of their own – once One

Same goes for Race / Religion / Identity / Ideology / Culture / Language etc......

We are not Labels, We are One Consciousness

One Red Blood Cell of the Collective Humanity

Quantum Physics

Meta Physics

Fellow Souls / Guardians / Artisans, Our HOPE / DREAMS /STRENGTH / HUMANITY depend on Unity by Diversity

The Universal God / The Wheel Of Time has spoken

Remember the Song “You raise me up” by Josh Groban

“You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be”

The Global Age of Darkness is Done & The Dawn of Light is Nigh

Humanity is Eternal, we will plant seeds of HOPE Eternally

The Ancestors & God’s of ALL are with us


The Flower Of Light & Of Life

“Some day, we could be a shining beacon of hope for the oppressed people of the world just as so many oppressed and violated souls have found refuge here already. Will it happen overnight? No. Will it happen in a lifetime? I don't know. Is it worth fighting for until my last breath. Of course. Once you've seen what's possible, how can you do otherwise? - DPR

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